Residential Membership
Grounded and Growing Through Our Members.
Our members are leaders – in business, in the arts, in the community and on the national stage – who understand how important it is to be engaged and who appreciate the value of our membership benefits.
- Subscription to Palm Beach TV, Our Town News Briefings and The Civic E-Newsletter
- Invitation to all PBCA forums and symposiums
- Invitation to our Holiday Party and Annual Meeting and Season Celebration
- Recognition in our Membership Directory
The Town of Palm Beach is a special place. As a member of the Palm Beach Civic Association, you can help us keep it that way. The Civic Association is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization dedicated to protecting our remarkable community and enhancing the special quality of life found here. Join today.
Your membership contribution is tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
Non-Solicitation Policy
The Palm Beach Civic Association is a nonprofit organization committed to the preservation and enhancement of the quality of life in the Town of Palm Beach. All our members, directors, and officers are expected to support this mission. To that end, the use of Civic Association programs, forums, and listings, by a member, director, or officer, to further an individual business interest is a violation of the Civic Association Policy. Members, directors, or officers may not solicit business at Civic Association functions or use Association Directories for business purposes. Failure to comply with this policy may result in the loss of membership.
The foregoing policy shall not preclude Sponsorship of Civic Association programs, forums, or listings by members, provided such sponsorship is conducted with policies and procedures for sponsorship adopted by the Civic Association.
Approved by the Executive Committee on May 22, 2024

Annual Residential Memberships
Annual memberships support our ongoing programs.
When joining the Palm Beach Civic Association, you will enjoy the following benefits:
Chairman's Circle
• Priority invitation for four to Palm Beach Civic Association Signature Series Presentations
President's Circle ($15,000 - $24,999)
•Two non-member guest tickets to all forums and entire PBCA Signature Series Presentations
Premier Benefactor ($10,000 - $14,999)
• Two non-member guest tickets for one Signature Series Presentations
• Reserved seating at all forums and meetings
Leading Benefactor ($5,000 - $9,999)
• Priority invitation for two to Signature Series Presentations
Supporting Benefactor ($2,500 - $4,999)
• Priority Invitation for two to Palm Beach Civic Association Annual Holiday Party
• Invitation for two to Signature Series Presentations
• Association Speaker Series events Invitation for two to Major Donor Reception
Leadership + Next Gen ($1,000-$2,499)
• Invitation for two to one Signature Series Presentations
• Priority invitations to all PBCA forums
• Opportunity to serve on standing committee based on executive committee approval
Guardian ($500-$999)
• Invitation to additional member events (based on availability)
Sustaining ($250-$499)
• Invitation for two to Palm Beach Civic Association Annual Holiday Party
• Invitation for two to Annual Meeting and Season Celebration
• Invitations to all PBCA forums and symposiums
• Subscription to Palm Beach TV, Our Town News Briefings and The Civic E-Newsletter
• Listing in the annual Palm Beach Civic Association Membership Directory Recognition on our website,
• Recognition in annual Thank You Ad in the “Shiny Sheet”
“The Civic Association is essential because you can either let the future act upon you, or you can do things to shape what you want Palm Beach to be.” – Michael Reiter, Civic Association Director
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