COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/21/20 5:00 PM
• By order of the Chief of Police, effective Thursday, May 21, curfew hours will be in effect from Midnight – 6:00 AM, to provide restaurants and other businesses permitted to re-open under the Governor’s Phase 1 plan an extra hour of time for patrons and employees to return to their homes.
• Town Council is expected to have additional discussion about the curfew hours at its June 9 regular meeting.
• A total of $60 million of Federal Funding from the $261 million received by Palm Beach County through the CARES Act has been appropriated by the County Commissioners to fund the “CARES Restart Business Grants Program”.
• A total of $50 million has been dedicated toward businesses with 25 or fewer employees and $10 million has been dedicated towards businesses with greater than 25 employees, which all of the Town’s businesses may eligible to apply for.
• Interested businesses are encouraged to begin the application process immediately, as they will be processed on a first come, first eligible basis. The online application is expected to launch on Friday, May 22 at 8:00 A.M. and will be accessible through the Palm Beach County website. The criteria for the grant can be found at:
• As of 4:30 PM today, the following information was provided by the Florida Department of Health.
26 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
4,968 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 308 deaths.
48,675 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 2,144 deaths.
1,562,714 confirmed cases in the US, with 93,863 deaths.
5,047,377 confirmed cases worldwide, with 329,816 deaths.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/19/20 5:00 PM
• Per State Executive Order No. 20-123, effective May 18, Governor DeSantis ordered a Full Phase 1 Reopening of most of the state, including Palm Beach County. This Executive Order approves the following, in addition to what was previously approved in Executive Order No 20-112:
o Limited re-opening of restaurants, to include a maximum occupancy of 50% for indoor dining and minimum spacing of 6 feet for outdoor dining, with no more than 10 people per table. Counter seating is prohibited. (CDC social distancing guidelines must be followed and indoor seating spacing should exceed 6 feet to permit enough room for patrons to move safely between tables).
o Limited reopening of retail establishments, museums and libraries, to include a maximum occupancy of 50%, per CDC social distancing guidelines.
o Limited reopening of gyms and fitness center, to include a maximum occupancy of 50%, per CDC social distancing guidelines.
• Executive Order 20-112 strongly encourages continued limitation of personal interactions outside of the home for all persons within the state. It also strongly encourages seniors and other individuals with significant underlying medication conditions to continue staying at home and avoid unnecessary exposure in public places.
• Palm Beach County Order No. 2020-6 reopened all public, municipal, and private beaches, including all beach parks, in Palm Beach County from sunrise to sunset, effective May 18.
o Town beaches remain closed until May 26. Once open, only active uses will be permitted. Passive activities will be prohibited, including, but not limited to, sunbathing, lounging (whether on towels, blankets, chairs, or the like), grilling, congregating in groups of more than 10. No coolers will be permitted.
• Palm Beach County Order No. 2020-7 amended the County’s previous order regarding recreation facilities to permit use of golf course practice facilities, golf lessons, doubles tennis, along other things.
• Palm Beach County Oder No. 2020-8 amended its previous order regarding facial coverings to recommend the following: All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants while not seated, pharmacies, construction sites, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• The Town strongly recommends that all other persons physically present in any public place wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• The Par 3 Golf Course is now open for lessons and individual practicing, along with regular play per CDC social distancing and hygiene guidelines. Please refrain from using the cart paths on the course for exercise or walking dogs.
• Tennis centers remain open and doubles play is now permitted at Seaview and Phipps Ocean Park per CDC social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
• All public parks within the Town are open, with the exception of Phipps South Ocean Park, which will reopen on May 26. The Seaview Park playground remains closed until further notice.
• Lake Trail rules remain in effect. From 9:00AM – 4:00PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted. Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
• As of 5:00 PM today, the following information was provided by the Florida Department of Health.
25 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
4,699 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 284 deaths.
46,944 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 2,052 deaths.
1,523,534 confirmed cases in the US, with 91,570 deaths.
4,876,906 confirmed cases worldwide, with 321,999 deaths.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/15/20 5:00 PM
• Reopen beaches on May 26 for active uses only. Activities shall be limited to activities consistent with social distancing and exercise, including but not limited to, walking, running, biking, swimming, and surfing. Passive activities are prohibited, including, but not limited to, sunbathing, lounging (whether on towels, blankets, chairs, or the like), grilling, congregating in groups of more than 10. Coolers are prohibited.
• Permit temporary usage of outdoor public and private spaces for expanded restaurant seating and retail displays through an administrative application process.
• Transition to limited in-person public meetings in Council Chambers, beginning with the ARCOM meeting on May 27. Details on meeting participation for the public will be provided next week.
• Per State Executive Order No. 20-120, effective May 11, Palm Beach County was removed from the list of counties restricted from implementing the state’s “Phase 1 Recovery” reopening plans outlined in Executive Order No. 20-112. This Executive Order continues to strongly encourage limiting personal interactions outside of the home for everyone, especially seniors and approves the following:
o Limited re-opening of restaurants, to include a maximum occupancy of 25% for indoor dining and minimum spacing of 6 feet for outdoor dining, with no more than 10 people per table. (CDC social distancing guidelines must be followed and indoor seating spacing exceed 6 feet to permit enough room for patrons to move safely between tables).
o Limited reopening of retail establishments, museums and libraries, to include a maximum occupancy of 25%.
o Re-opening of nail salons, hair salons and barbershops per CDC guidelines.
o Resumption of elective medical procedures with certain conditions.
• In a press conference today, Governor DeSantis announced that he would permit restaurants and retail establishments to increase its indoor capacity to 50% beginning on Monday, May 18.
• The Governor also announced that fitness centers would be permitted to reopen on May 18 at 50% capacity.
• The Palm Beach County Board of Commissioners discussed the Governor’s announcements at its meeting today and decided not to impose stricter regulations, so new orders from the State regarding restaurants, retail establishments and fitness centers will apply to the Town of Palm Beach, including increased capacities.
• Palm Beach County Order No. 2020-6 was approved by the Board of County Commissioners at today’s meeting to reopen all public, municipal, and private beaches, including all beach parks, in Palm Beach County from sunrise to sunset, effective May 18.
o As approved by the Town Council, Town beaches will not reopen until May 26. Once open, only active uses will be permitted. Passive activities will be prohibited, including, but not limited to, sunbathing, lounging (whether on towels, blankets, chairs, or the like), grilling, congregating in groups of more than 10.
• At today’s meeting the County Commission also approved revising the Palm Beach County Order 2020-2a, eliminating the “critical travelers” restriction to permit new hotel reservations, effective immediately.
• As of 3:00 PM today, the Florida Department of Health has not updated its statistics. The information below is as of 12:30 PM yesterday.
21 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
4,278 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 263 deaths.
43,210 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,875 deaths.
• The following numbers have been provided by John Hopkins University as of 4:00PM today.
1,432,045 confirmed cases in the US, with 86,851 deaths.
4,516,360 confirmed cases worldwide, with 306,051 deaths.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/12/20 5:00 PM
• Effective Monday 5/11, curfew hours will be in effect from 11:00 PM – 6:00 AM, to ensure restaurants and other businesses permitted to re-open under the Governor’s Phase 1 plan have sufficient time for patrons and employees to return to their homes.
• Town Council will have further discussion about curfew hours at their meeting on Wednesday, May 13.
• The State’s “Phase 1 Recovery” reopening plans went into effect today for Palm Beach County. As a reminder, Phase 1 strongly encourages limiting personal interactions outside of the home for everyone, especially seniors and approves the following:
o Limited re-opening of restaurants, to include a maximum occupancy of 25% for indoor dining and minimum spacing of 6 feet for outdoor dining, with no more than 10 people per table. (CDC social distancing guidelines must be followed and indoor seating spacing exceed 6 feet to permit enough room for patrons to move safely between tables).
o Limited reopening of retail establishments, museums and libraries, to include a maximum occupancy of 25%.
o Re-opening of nail salons, hair salons and barbershops per CDC guidelines.
o Resumption of elective medical procedures with certain conditions.
• Palm Beach County Order No. 2020-6 was tentatively approved by the Board of County Commissioners to reopen all public, municipal, and private beaches, including all beach parks, in Palm Beach County from sunrise to sunset for Palm Beach County residents only, effective May 18.
• The Town Council will discuss at its May 13 meeting if the Town’s public beaches should remain closed, follow the County order or implement regulations that are more restrictive. In the meantime, all beaches remain closed and violators may be subject to arrest.
• Please be reminded that all persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• As of 5:00 PM today
19 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
4,093 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 245 deaths.
41,923 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,779 deaths.
1,367,491 confirmed cases in the US, with 82,227 deaths.
4,254,302 confirmed cases worldwide, with 291,334 deaths.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/8/20 5:00 PM
Palm Beach Police & Fire Foundation Donates Another Round of Complimentary Surgical Masks
To continue to help Palm Beach residents protect themselves and others, while reducing the risk of Corona virus spread, The Palm Beach Police & Fire Foundation will donate more than 20,000 surgical masks on Saturday, May 9, 2020 from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, at three drive-through locations in Palm Beach, manned by gloved and masked Foundation staff and first responders. Palm Beach residents must present proof of residency to receive a pack of six surgical masks.
SOUTH – THE TIDELINE RESORT & SPA – Enter from the South
2842 South Ocean Boulevard | Palm Beach
MIDTOWN – ST. EDWARD’S CHURCH PARISH CENTER– Front entrance drive-through
165 North County Road | Palm Beach
NORTH – PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB –Entrance drive-through
760 North Ocean Boulevard | Palm Beach
Arrive at distribution point, pull up and pop the trunk.
Keep windows closed, place proof of Palm Beach Residency on the passenger side of dashboard, face up.
An envelope with six surgical masks will be placed inside trunk.
The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of NOON today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
18 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
3,615 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 229 deaths.
39,199 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,669 deaths.
1,273,887 confirmed cases in the US, with 76,475 deaths.
3,910,738 confirmed cases worldwide, with 272,778 deaths.
o Executive Order 20-91, the statewide Stay at Home Order will expire on May 4 for most of the state, but will remain in effect for Palm Beach County until lifted by County officials. This order outlines essential and non-essential businesses and can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 webpage.
o Executive Order 20-80, airport screening and isolation, has been extended.
o Executive Order 20-82, isolation of individuals traveling to Florida has been extended.
o Executive Order 20-112 states that all persons in Florida shall continue to limit their personal interactions outside the home.
o The link at the end of this alert includes a copy of EO 20-112 and FAQs related to that order.
PALM BEACH COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER NO. 2020-5, which was effective on April 29, outlines requirements (including CDC guidelines) for the reopening of boating and marine activities, golf courses, public parks and natural areas, tennis courts, and community pools.
o Activities such as fishing, jet skiing and recreational boating is permitted but flotillas are not allowed and vessels must remain at least 50 feet away from other vessels. The maximum number of passengers permitted on vessels will be determined by size (25’ or less = 6 people, 36’ – 36’ = 8 people, 37’-60’ = 10 people, over 60’ = 10 people, not including crew).
o The Par 3 Golf Course has reopened. Golfers should arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to tee times. Please call 561-547-0598 to book a tee time. Al Fresco remains open for take-out or delivery service only.
o All public parks within the Town have reopened, with the exception of Phipps South Ocean Park, as “beach parks” must remain closed per the County order. (Access to the Phipps Tennis Center will be permitted). The playground at Seaview Park remains closed until further notice.
o The Seaview and Phipps tennis centers will reopen on May 1 for singles play only. Players may call 838-5404 to book courts at Seaview or 227-6450 for Phipps.
o Per County order all recreations buildings shall remain closed, including the Mandel Rec Center.
o No changes to the current Lake Trail rules are being made at this time. From 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Trail. Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o All beaches remain closed. Violators may be subject to arrest.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/4/20 5:00 PM
18 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
3,311 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 196 deaths.
36,897 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,399 deaths.
1,180,332 confirmed cases in the US, with 68,920 deaths.
3,582,469 confirmed cases worldwide, with 251,510 deaths.
o Executive Order 20-91, the statewide Stay at Home Order will expire on May 4 for most of the state, but will remain in effect for Palm Beach County until lifted by County officials. This order outlines essential and non-essential businesses and can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 webpage.
o Executive Order 20-80, airport screening and isolation, has been extended.
o Executive Order 20-82, isolation of individuals traveling to Florida has been extended.
o Executive Order 20-112 states that all persons in Florida shall continue to limit their personal interactions outside the home.
o The link at the end of this alert includes a copy of EO 20-112 and FAQs related to that order.
PALM BEACH COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER NO. 2020-5, which was effective on April 29, outlines requirements (including CDC guidelines) for the reopening of boating and marine activities, golf courses, public parks and natural areas, tennis courts, and community pools.
o Activities such as fishing, jet skiing and recreational boating is permitted but flotillas are not allowed and vessels must remain at least 50 feet away from other vessels. The maximum number of passengers permitted on vessels will be determined by size (25’ or less = 6 people, 36’ – 36’ = 8 people, 37’-60’ = 10 people, over 60’ = 10 people, not including crew).
o The Par 3 Golf Course has reopened. Golfers should arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to tee times. Please call 561-547-0598 to book a tee time. Al Fresco remains open for take-out or delivery service only.
o All public parks within the Town have reopened, with the exception of Phipps South Ocean Park, as “beach parks” must remain closed per the County order. (Access to the Phipps Tennis Center will be permitted). The playground at Seaview Park remains closed until further notice.
o The Seaview and Phipps tennis centers will reopen on May 1 for singles play only. Players may call 838-5404 to book courts at Seaview or 227-6450 for Phipps.
o Per County order all recreations buildings shall remain closed, including the Mandel Rec Center.
o No changes to the current Lake Trail rules are being made at this time. From 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Trail. Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o All beaches remain closed. Violators may be subject to arrest.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 5/1/20 5:00 PM
o Executive Order 20-80, airport screening and isolation, has been extended.
o Executive Order 20-82, isolation of individuals traveling to Florida has been extended.
o Executive Order 20-112 states that all persons in Florida shall continue to limit their personal interactions outside the home.
o The link at the end of this alert includes a copy of EO 20-112 and FAQs related to that order.
• PALM BEACH COUNTY EMERGENCY ORDER NO. 2020-5, which was effective on April 29, outlines requirements (including CDC guidelines) for the reopening of boating and marine activities, golf courses, public parks and natural areas, tennis courts, and community pools.
o Activities such as fishing, jet skiing and recreational boating is permitted but flotillas are not allowed and vessels must remain at least 50 feet away from other vessels. The maximum number of passengers permitted on vessels will be determined by size (25’ or less = 6 people, 36’ – 36’ = 8 people, 37’-60’ = 10 people, over 60’ = 10 people, not including crew).
o The Par 3 Golf Course has reopened. Golfers should arrive no earlier than 20 minutes prior to tee times. Please call 561-547-0598 to book a tee time. Al Fresco remains open for take-out or delivery service only.
o All public parks within the Town have reopened, with the exception of Phipps South Ocean Park, as “beach parks” must remain closed per the County order. (Access to the Phipps Tennis Center will be permitted). The playground at Seaview Park remains closed until further notice.
o The Seaview and Phipps tennis centers will reopen on May 1 for singles play only. Players may call 838-5404 to book courts at Seaview or 227-6450 for Phipps.
o Per County order all recreations buildings shall remain closed, including the Mandel Rec Center.
o No changes to the current Lake Trail rules are being made at this time. From 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Trail. Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o All beaches remain closed. Violators may be subject to arrest.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of NOON today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
18 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
3,041 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 191 deaths.
34,728 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,314 deaths.
1,100,197 confirmed cases in the US, with 64,789 deaths.
3,127,126 confirmed cases worldwide, with 228,908 deaths.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/27/20 5:00 PM
• Please be reminded that all persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
18 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
2,763 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 156 deaths.
32,138 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,088 deaths.
985,443 confirmed cases in the US, with 55,952 deaths.
3,035,177 confirmed cases worldwide, with 210,611 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/24/20 12:50 PM
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
2,600 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 155 deaths.
30,533 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 1,046 deaths.
890,524 confirmed cases in the US, with 51,017 deaths.
2,790,986 confirmed cases worldwide, with 195,920 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
White House plan Opening Up America Again
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/22/20 12:50 PM
• All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
2,320 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 131 deaths.
28,309 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 893 deaths.
826,248 confirmed cases in the US, with 45,153 deaths.
2,594,724 confirmed cases worldwide, with 179,778 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
Police Alert – COVID – 19 SCAMS
The Palm Beach Police Department wants to alert our community to potential COVID-19 scams.
1) Hang up on calls promising a stimulus check – the federal government and small business administration will not call you requesting personal information such as your Social Security number, birthdate, or banking information in exchange for a stimulus check.
2) Hang up on Robo calls – scammers will pose as salesman to get your personal information, credit card information, and/or money.
3) Ignore offers for vaccinations or home test kits – there is no proof that these products work. There are two testing centers available in Palm Beach County: at the Ball Park of the Palm Beaches in West Palm Beach and the S. County Civic Center in Delray.
4) Look out for fishing emails and texts – do not click on links you are not expecting and always verify the sender.
5) Do your due diligence and research before you donate – get tips for donating at
If you are the victim of any scams, please call the Palm Beach Police Department to report the incident at 561-838-5454. If you have any questions regarding any possible scams please call the Community Relations office at 561-838-5467.
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/21/20 12:40 PM
No New Video Update Today
- The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:40 PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
2,296 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 126 deaths.
27,495 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 839 deaths.
816,240 confirmed cases in the US, with 43,921 deaths.
2,546,527 confirmed cases worldwide, with 175,812 deaths.
- The Beaches, both public and private will remain closed within the Town of Palm Beach for the foreseeable future
- The next scheduled update by the Town will be Wednesday, April 22 at 3:00 PM. Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
- The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
_______________________________________________________________________ - Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/20/20 5:15 PM
- The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 5:15 PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
2,209 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 121 deaths.
26,660 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 789 deaths.
778,176 confirmed cases in the US, with 41,575 deaths.
2,463,357 confirmed cases worldwide, with 169,502 deaths.
- The Beaches, both public and private will remain closed within the Town of Palm Beach for the foreseeable future
- The next scheduled update by the Town will be Wednesday, April 22 at 3:00 PM. Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
- The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
_______________________________________________________________________ - Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/17/20 12:50 PM
• Council President, Maggie Zeidman, joined Town Manager Kirk Blouin for this afternoon’s 3:00 PM Community Briefing. Infectious Disease Specialist, Dr. David Dodson, will join them to give an update on the Coronavirus situation and provide insight on a range of topics from transmission to what to do if you think you have the virus.
o The next scheduled update will be Wednesday, April 22 at 3:00 PM. Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30 PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,962 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 113 deaths.
24,119 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 686 deaths.
672,293 confirmed cases in the US, with 33,325 deaths.
2,188,194 confirmed cases worldwide, with 147,632 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/16/20 1:47 PM
No Video Update Today
NEW Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 8
• The Palm Beach Police and Fire Foundation will be distributing 6 surgical masks to Town of Palm Beach residents, WITH PROOF OF RESIDENCY, to assist in compliance with the emergency order issued by the Town of Palm Beach and Palm Beach County that “strongly encourages the use of facial coverings while in any public place.”
o Distribution will take place tomorrow, FRIDAY, APRIL 17 and SATURDAY, APRIL 18, from 11:00AM until 1:00PM at three drive-through locations in the Town, staffed by workers wearing gloves and masks.
o Distribution locations include the Par 3 Golf Course (2345 S. Ocean Blvd.), St. Edward’s Parish Center (165 N. County Road) and Palm Beach Country Club (760 N. Ocean Blvd. – entrance drive-through)
o Quantities are limited so distribution will end once supplies have been exhausted.
o When you arrive at the distribution point, pull up and pop the trunk.
o Keep windows closed, place proof of Palm Beach Residency on the passenger side of dashboard, face up.
o An envelope with six surgical masks will be placed inside trunk.
• Council President, Maggie Zeidman, will join Town Manager Kirk Blouin for tomorrow’s 3:00PM Community Briefing. Infectious Disease Specialist, Dr. David Dodson, will join them to give an update on the Coronavirus situation and provide insight on a range of topics from transmission to what to do if you think you have the virus. Questions for Dr. Dodson or the Town can be sent to prior to the briefing.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 1:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,841 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 110 deaths.
22,897 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 633 deaths.
641,166 confirmed cases in the US, with 31,015 deaths.
2,101,164 confirmed cases worldwide, with 139,469 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
Download Copy of Police & Fire Foundation Flyer
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/15/20 3:26 PM
NEW Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 7
- In an effort to help residents comply with the emergency order issued by the Town of Palm Beach and Palm Beach County that “strongly encourages the use of facial coverings while in any public place,” the Palm Beach Police and Fire Foundation will distribute six surgical masks to Town of Palm Beach residents WITH PROOF OF RESIDENCY.
o Distribution will take place on FRIDAY, APRIL 17 and SATURDAY, APRIL 18, from 11:00AM until 1:00PM at three drive-through locations in the Town, staffed by workers wearing gloves and masks.
o Distribution locations include the Par 3 Golf Course (2345 S. Ocean Blvd.), St. Edward’s Parish Center (165 N. County Road) and Palm Beach Country Club (760 N. Ocean Blvd. – entrance drive-through)
o Quantities are limited so distribution will end once supplies have been exhausted.
o When you arrive at the distribution point, pull up and pop the trunk.
o Keep windows closed, place proof of Palm Beach Residency on the passenger side of dashboard, face up.
o An envelope with six surgical masks will be placed inside trunk.
- The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 3:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,814 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 105 deaths.
22,511 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 596 deaths.
614,482 confirmed cases in the US, with 27,085 deaths.
2,023,663 confirmed cases worldwide, with 132,276 deaths.
- The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
________________________________________________________________________ - Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
As mandated by State Executive Orders, all persons whose point of departure originated from an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), and Louisiana MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida.
Download Copy of Police & Fire Foundation Flyer
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/14/20 1:00 PM
NEW Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 7
• Please be reminded that the April Regular Council and Development Review meetings have been combined to take place electronically on April 15, to comply with Stay at Home orders and CDC social distancing guidelines. The Regular meeting will begin at 9:30AM and Development Review will begin at 1:30PM. Please visit the Town website ( to review the agendas and back up, and to obtain instructions on how to register to participate in the virtual meeting.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,727 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 93 deaths.
21,367 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 524 deaths.
584,073 confirmed cases in the US, with 23,709 deaths.
1,945,055 confirmed cases worldwide, with 121,897 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
As mandated by State Executive Orders, all persons whose point of departure originated from an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), and Louisiana MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida.
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/13/20 3:37 PM
NEW Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 6
• The next scheduled live COVID-19 update from the Town Manager will take place tomorrow, April 14 at 3:00PM, which is accessible from the Town’s website. Questions can be sent to Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 3:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,691 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 88 deaths.
20,601 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 470 deaths.
572,169 confirmed cases in the US, with 23,070 deaths.
1,904,566 confirmed cases worldwide, with 118,459 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
All persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
All other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
As mandated by State Executive Orders, all persons whose point of departure originated from an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), and Louisiana MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida.
Download Palm Beach County Order No. 2020-04
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/12/20 11:52 AM
No Video Update today
NEW Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 6
• Palm Beach County has issued Emergency Order No. 2020-04 – a directive to wear facial covers. The order, which can be viewed in its entirety by clicking on the link at the end of this alert, goes into effect at 12:01AM tonight.
o It states that all persons working in, patronizing, or otherwise physically present in grocery stores, restaurants, pharmacies, construction sites, public transit vehicles, vehicles for hire, and locations where social distancing measures are not possible within Palm Beach County should wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC. 4.
o It also states that all other persons physically present in any public place in Palm Beach County are strongly urged to wear facial coverings as defined by the CDC.
o This order is similar to the Town’s Emergency Order No. 2020-02, which also goes into effect at 12:01AM tonight.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of NOON today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,609 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 80 deaths.
19,347 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 452 deaths.
530,830 confirmed cases in the US, with 20,646 deaths.
1,800,791 confirmed cases worldwide, with 110,892 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
Download Palm Beach County Order No. 2020-04
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/11/20 11:35 AM
No Video Update today
Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 5
• The Town of Palm Beach has issued Emergency Order No. 2020-02, strongly encouraging the use of facial coverings by residents, employees and visitors. The order goes into effect at 12:01AM on April 13, 2020. A copy can be downloaded by clicking the link at the end of this alert.
o Facial coverings include face masks, homemade masks or cloth coverings, including but not limited to a scarfs, bandanas, handkerchiefs, or other similar cloth coverings.
o Every person working, living, visiting, or doing business in the Town of Palm Beach is strongly encouraged to wear a facial covering, consistent with the current CDC guidelines while in any public place.
o The use of N95 rated masks should be avoided, as those are critical supplies for healthcare workers, police, fire, and emergency management.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 11:30AM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,441 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 80 deaths.
18,494 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 438 deaths.
501,701 confirmed cases in the US, with 18,781 deaths.
1,721,353 confirmed cases worldwide, with 104,800 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/10/20 4:04 PM
No Video Update today
Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 5
• As acknowledged by Mayor Gail Coniglio in her Shiny Sheet letter to the community on March 15, we have and will continue to experience a high degree of anxiety and concern as we respond to the COVID-19 situation. In her letter, she called for a calm community partnership – neighbors helping neighbors – and urged a shared effort in taking care of each other. As tensions rise, we once again call upon everyone to be kind, courteous and help one another, while following all of the guidelines that are in place to protect us all.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 3:30 PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,388 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 76 deaths.
17,531 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 390 deaths.
486,994 confirmed cases in the US, with 18,022 deaths.
1,677,256 confirmed cases worldwide, with 101,732 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face. The CDC also recommends using face masks or face coverings if you need to leave your home, but continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others.
• The next scheduled live COVID-19 update from the Town Manager will take place at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, April 14, accessible from the Town’s website. Questions can be sent to Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/9/20 12:37 PM
• In an effort to minimize risk of COVID-19 infection among staff, elected officials and residents, the April Regular Council and Development Review meetings have been combined to take place electronically on April 15. The Regular meeting will begin at 9:30AM and Development Review will begin at 1:30 PM. Please visit the Town website ( to review the agendas and back up, and to obtain instructions on how to participate in the virtual meeting.
• The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), a division of the US Department of Homeland Security, continues to monitor how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting the American public on the cybersecurity and infrastructure security front. There has been a surge in malicious cyber activity using COVID-19 to prey on people’s goodwill, curiosity and concern, and exploit organizations that establish remote work options. The Town is urging residents and businesses to use extreme care to avoid exploitation of virtual private networks and watch out for phishing email and text messages about COVID-19, as well as websites deceptively advertised as COVID 19 sites.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30 PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,260 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 73 deaths.
16,364 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 354 deaths.
432,579 confirmed cases in the US, with 14,830 deaths.
1,506,936 confirmed cases worldwide, with 89,931 deaths.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face. The CDC also recommends using cloth face masks if you need to leave your home, but continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others.
• There will NOT be a 3:00 PM COVID-19 update from the Town Manager tomorrow (4/10/20). The next scheduled COVID-19 update will take place at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, April 14, via live audio stream. Questions can be sent to Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/8/20 16:53 PM
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 4:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,206 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 69 deaths.
15,456 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 309 deaths.
419,975 confirmed cases in the US, with 14,262 deaths.
1,495,051 confirmed cases worldwide, with 87,469 deaths.
• According to models, the number of confirmed COVID positive cases and associated deaths are expected to spike in the days and weeks ahead.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face. The CDC also recommends using cloth face masks if you need to leave your home, but continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others.
• The Town is still receiving reports of scammers trying to solicit funds from residents. The Town is not soliciting donations by phone calls. Residents should be wary of calls and emails from unknown sources, or sources posing as the Town or other local government entities.
• Our Census participation is still the lowest response rate in the County. The Town of Palm Beach is encouraging everyone that has not completed the Census to please do so as soon as you are able. Although April 1 has passed, you are still able to respond after that date and be included in the count. Please check your mail for the instructions on how to complete your census. The Town website has links or you can call the census hotline at 844-330-2020. If our participation remains this low, the Town stands to lose close to $30,000 per resident in the coming decade for each person NOT COUNTED in the 2020 Census.
• The Town has confirmed that Publix has implemented many of the solutions we recommended to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines for their customers and workers. A “movement coordinator” has been stationed outside the store and are limiting the amount of shoppers that can be inside at one time. They have also improved the flow of traffic in the aisles through the use of directional arrows. It is still strongly recommended that shoppers avoid peak hours, which appear to be between 11:00AM – 1:00PM, to assist in reducing congestion.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A Statewide “Stay at Home” order remains in place, all non-essential businesses are closed and a daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place for the Town.
As mandated by State Executive Orders, all persons whose point of departure originated from an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), and Louisiana MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida.
No new short-term vacation rentals of less than 30 days or one calendar month is permitted. Realtors are urged to advise clients from regions of high community spread that they are required to self-quarantine for 14 days.
As ordered by Palm Beach County all public and private parks, golf courses, pools and tennis courts must be closed, including those in condominium complexes.
All boat docks, ramps, marinas, and any other venues utilized for launching any vessels are closed until further notice. All islands, sandbars, and intracoastal lands are also prohibited for use by the public.
All beaches are closed. Notices to appear in court may be issued to violators.
Click here for full Town update
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/7/20 12:57 PM
No video update today.
Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 4
• The Town would like to remind everyone to beware of COVID-19 scams. The Town is not soliciting donations by phone calls. Residents should be wary of calls and emails from unknown sources, or sources posing as the Town.
• The Town learned today that our community still has one of the lowest response rates in the County for the 2020 Census. The Town of Palm Beach is encouraging everyone that has not completed the Census to please do so as soon as you are able. Although April 1 has passed, you are still able to respond after that date and be included in the count.
o Every address in Palm Beach received a mailer which contained instructions with a 12 Digit Census ID and instructions on how to complete the questionnaire through the Census website or by calling 844-330-2020 to complete the survey by phone. The first set of mailers have been distributed between March 12-20 to each Palm Beach address.
o Each address will receive at least 2 reminders to fill out the census questionnaire. If the Census Bureau doesn’t receive a response, then a paper questionnaire will be mailed to each address between the dates of April 08-15.
o It is estimated that we are in danger of losing over $30,000 per person in the coming decade for each person NOT COUNTED in the 2020 Census.
o Please take a few minutes to learn more about the 2020 Census by clicking the link at the end of this alert.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
16 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,136 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 63 deaths.
14,504 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 283 deaths.
369,069 confirmed cases in the US, with 11,018 deaths.
1,381,014 confirmed cases worldwide, with 76,507 deaths.
• The confirmed number of cases still DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic.
• According to models, the number of confirmed COVID positive cases and associated deaths are expected to spike in the days and weeks ahead.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face. The CDC also now recommends the use of cloth face masks if you need to leave your home, but please continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others and follow CDC recommended hygiene guidelines.
• The Town has received several messages of concern in reference to the Four Seasons and recent news articles referencing Citadel’s presence there. After looking into the concerns, we have confirmed to the best of our ability that none of the State, County, or Town emergency orders have been violated, to include the self-quarantine order for travelers from specified locations. We are also in continuous communication with the management of the Four Seasons to ensure that they are aware of all of the aforementioned orders, and any new ones that may be issued. We have responded recently to the Four Seasons for several Violation of Town Ordinance complaints, but to date have not observed a citable violation. We will continue to respond as necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of all of the residents and visitors to Palm Beach.
• The Town has confirmed that Publix has implemented many of the solutions we recommended to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines for their customers and workers. It is strongly recommended that shoppers avoid peak hours, which appear to be between 11:00AM – 1:00PM, to assist in reducing congestion.
• The Town continues to communicate with the construction and landscaping industries to ensure solutions are being implemented to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines by workers. Town staff will monitor project sites as best we can to ensure guidelines are being adhered to.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/6/20 17:33 PM
• The Town has strongly encouraged the management of Publix to implement additional solutions to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines for their customers and workers.
o We have asked that they safely limit the number of people who can be in the store at one time and better manage the flow of customers in and out of the store.
o Because of narrowness of aisles, we’ve recommended they make them one-way.
o We’ve recommended they identify a “movement coordinator” inside and outside of the store to ensure shoppers are maintaining safe distances from each other.
o We’ve requested they consider installing hand sanitizing dispensers at entrances.
o It is strongly recommended that shoppers avoid peak hours, which appear to be between 11:00AM – 1:00PM. When you do go shopping, stock up to avoid unnecessary repeat visits to the grocery stores.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 5:00 PM today. Please note that these numbers lag and are not in real time.
15 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
1,069 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 49 deaths.
13,324 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 236 deaths.
356,942 confirmed cases in the US, with 10,524 deaths.
1,331,032 confirmed cases worldwide, with 73,917 deaths.
• The confirmed number of cases still DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic.
• According to models, the number of confirmed COVID positive cases and associated deaths are expected to spike in the days and weeks ahead.
• The only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve according to the CDC is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face. The CDC also now recommends the use of cloth face masks if you need to leave your home, but please continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others and follow CDC recommended hygiene guidelines.
• Businesses and residents can protect our front-line sanitation employees by securely tying garbage bags and placing them in secure containers. This includes securing all personal hygiene products, used tissues, paper towel, sanitary wipes, face masks, gloves, and similar items in plastic garbage bags. Collection crews must assume all waste is infected to properly protect themselves.
• The Town continues to communicate with the construction and landscaping industries to ensure solutions are being implemented to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines by workers. Town staff will monitor project sites as best we can to ensure guidelines are being adhered to.
Click here for full Town update
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/5/20 1:30 PM
Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 3
No video update today. Video updates to continue on Monday.
• As of 1:00PM today and as projected, the number of confirmed COVID positive cases in Palm Beach County has almost doubled from 567 to 998 since April 1, according to reports from the Florida Department of Health. Deaths since April 1 in Palm Beach County has tripled from 16 to 49.
o There are 15 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 known deaths.
o Statewide, confirmed COVID cases have almost doubled from 6,955 to 12,151 since April 1, and the number of deaths have more than doubled from 87 to 218.
o There are now 321,762 confirmed cases in the US, with 9,132 deaths.
o There are 1,237,420 confirmed cases worldwide, with 67,260 deaths.
• The confirmed number of cases still DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic, and the limited testing that has been completed.
• According to models, the number of confirmed COVID positive cases and associated deaths will continue to increase in the days and weeks ahead and the only proven way to slow the infection rate and flatten the curve is through social distancing, physical isolation, frequent hand washing, and not touching your face.
• Palm Beach Police has received numerous calls about beach use. Please be reminded that all public beaches are closed, including the areas east of the mean high tide line adjacent to private property. Notices to appear in court will be issued to violators.
• The Town continues to receive complaints about the congestion at Publix. The Town continues to communicate with Publix management and will detail new social distancing regulations tomorrow. Please be reminded that shoppers need to take responsibility as well and follow guidelines of the CDC. It is strongly recommended that shoppers avoid peak hours, which appear to be between 8:00AM-9:00AM, 11:00AM-1:00PM and 4:00PM-5:00PM. When you do go shopping, stock up to avoid unnecessary repeat visits to the grocery stores.
• The Town continues to communicate with the construction and landscaping industries to ensure solutions are being implemented to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines by workers. We are grateful for their cooperation and hopeful that our strong recommendations will be implemented.
• State Executive Order 20-91, implemented a “Stay at Home” Order on April 3, which remains in full effect for the entire state. Yesterday, the Governor’s Office issued clarifications related to EO 20-91, as well as a detailed listing of essential businesses and services. This information can be downloaded by clicking on the link at the end of this alert.
• Yesterday, the CDC also updated its guidelines to recommend the use of cloth face coverings. Asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission has been a concern for health officials, so this recommendation is intended to further minimize infection spread when in public. Face coverings are not meant to replace social distancing guidelines, they are meant to supplement them. Please continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others and follow CDC recommended hygiene guidelines.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/4/20 12:19 PM
Rec Connect – Boredom Busters Vol 3
No video update today
• The number of confirmed COVID positive cases and associated deaths will unfortunately continue to increase in the days and weeks ahead. The peak is not here yet, so it is especially important for us to continue following the Statewide Stay at Home Order to protect us from COVID-19, by slowing the infection spread and flattening the curve.
• Yesterday, the CDC updated its guidelines to recommend the use of cloth face coverings, especially in areas of significant community-based transmission, like Palm Beach County. Asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic transmission has been a concern for health officials, so this recommendation is intended to further minimize infection spread when in public.
• It is important to emphasize that face coverings are not meant to replace social distancing guidelines, they are meant to supplement them. Please continue to maintain 6-feet of distance from others and follow CDC recommended hygiene guidelines.
• The following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30 PM today. Also, note the numbers for the Town may not include all positive cases due to self-transports to hospitals or private providers.
15 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
908 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 34 deaths.
11,111 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 191 deaths.
278,568 confirmed cases in the US, with 7,163 deaths.
1,140,327 confirmed cases worldwide, with 60,887 deaths.
• The confirmed number of cases still DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic, and the limited testing that has been completed.
• The Town continues to communicate with Publix, as well as the construction and landscaping industries to ensure solutions are implemented to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines. We are grateful for their cooperation and hopeful that our strong recommendations will be implemented.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect, unless expressly superseded by State EO 20-91. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
A State-wide “Stay at Home” order remains in place. Individuals 65 and older, as well as individuals with significant underlying medical conditions shall stay at home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19. All other individuals shall limit their movements and personal interactions outside their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities. A daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place.
As ordered by Palm Beach County all public and private parks, golf courses, pools and tennis courts must be closed, including those in condominium complexes and homeowner associations.
All public beaches are closed, including the areas east of the mean high tide line adjacent to private property. Notices to appear in court will be issued to violators.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/3/20 12:54 PM
New Rec Connect Boredom Buster
• Council President Pro Tem and Chair of the Public Safety Committee, Maggie Zeidman, will moderate today’s 3:00PM Town Manager’s Community Briefing, featuring Infectious Disease Specialist, Dr. David Dodson. Dr. Dodson will give a brief overview of the Coronavirus situation and provide insight on a range of topics from transmission to what to do if you think you have the virus. Please click on the link at the end of this alert to listen to the briefing at 3:00PM.
• The Town has strongly encouraged the management of Publix to identify implement additional solutions to ensure compliance with CDC social distancing guidelines for their customers and workers.
o We have asked that they safely limit the number of people who can be in the store at one time and better manage the flow of customers in and out of the store.
o Because of narrowness of aisles, we’ve recommended they make them one-way.
o We’ve recommended they identify a “movement coordinator” inside and outside of the store to ensure shoppers are maintaining safe distances from each other.
o We’ve requested they consider installing hand sanitizing dispensers at entrances.
o The hours of 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM appear to be peak times, so it is advised that you shop outside of these hours when the store in less busy.
• The Town is communicating with the local construction industry on a daily basis to ensure all CDC social distancing and hygiene guidelines are being followed. We are also providing safety guidelines and urging them to strictly monitor their job sites and limit crew movement about the island. Contractors have been extremely receptive to our direction and we thank them for that.
• The Town is also communicating with the local landscaping industry and have communicated similar guidelines to the companies who provide service to our residents, as well as monitoring their work sites and limit crew movement on the island to job sites only. We are hopeful their employees will strictly adhere to the CDC guidelines.
• Please note there is a lag in reporting, but the following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 12:30 PM today. Also, note the numbers for the Town may not include all positive cases due to self-transports to hospitals or private providers.
13 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
781 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 29 deaths.
9,585 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 163 deaths.
257,773 confirmed cases in the US, with 6,586 deaths.
1,056,777 confirmed cases worldwide, with 55,781 deaths.
• Nearly 92,000 tests have now been formed in Florida, which is second only to NY. However, the confirmed number of cases still DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic, and the limited testing that has been completed.
Click here for full Town update
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/2/20 2:01 PM
• On April 1, 2020, Governor DeSantis issued Executive Order (EO) 20-91 (Essential Services and Activities During COVID-19 Emergency), also known as a “Stay at Home” order, and Executive Order 20-92 (Amending Executive Order 20-91).
• EO 20-91, which can be downloaded by clicking on the link below, includes the following:
o Directs “senior citizens”, which was previously defined as those 65 and older, as well as individuals with significant underlying medical conditions to stay at home and take all measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19.
o Directs all persons in Florida to limit their movements and personal interactions outside their home to only those necessary to obtain or provide essential services or conduct essential activities;
o Defines “essential services” by reference to attached documentation (U.S. Department of Homeland Security Guidance on Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce and businesses and activities designated by EO 20-89 and its attachment (Miami-Dade orders)) and other essential services that may be added by state officers.
o Encourages individuals to work from home;
o Encourages businesses and organizations to provide delivery, carry-out, or curbside services;
o Recognizes specified activities as essential (attending religious services; specified recreational activities; pet care; caring for loved one or friend) and provides that the State Coordinating Officer shall maintain an online list of essential activities;
o Provides for an effective date of April 3 at 12:01 AM and an expiration of April 30, 2020, unless extended.
• EO 20-92 amended, Section 4 of EO 20-91 and now states:
o “This Order shall supersede any conflicting official action or order issued by local officials in response to COVID-19.”
o This means that the State order shall prevail when in conflict with any requirement previously ordered by Palm Beach County or the Town.
• One of many businesses/services listed as critical include construction. As stated in EO 20-92, the Town does not have the legal authority to override the State orders and deem construction as a non-essential activity. We understand that there are concerns about the lack of proper social distancing and hygiene precautions at certain construction sites. The Town issued another communication to contractors today, providing safety guidelines, and urging them to strictly monitor their job sites and limit crew movement about the island.
• Please note there is a lag in reporting, but the following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 1:30 PM today. Also, note the numbers for the Town may not include all positive cases due to self-transports to hospitals or private providers.
13 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
630 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 22 deaths.
8,010 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 128 deaths.
226,374 confirmed cases in the US, with 5,316 deaths.
981,221 confirmed cases worldwide, with 50,230 deaths.
Download State Executive Order 20-91
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 4/1/20 1:34 PM
• Today’s alert is the 30th update the Town has provided about the Coronavirus outbreak and our efforts to mitigate its spread. Today is also the original deadline to complete the 2020 Census. The Town of Palm Beach has the lowest Census participation in Palm Beach County as of today. It is extremely important that all residents complete the CENSUS as soon as possible so the Town is in the best position to receive valuable State and Federal funding, which is based on population, including funding that may come to assist in our expenses related to the COVID-19 response.
• Participating in the Census is private, safe and affects everyone regardless of citizenship. Completing it is mandatory for everyone living in the United States and part of your civic duty. Every person that is NOT counted equates to less funding received to provide services to the community. The Census questionnaire only takes a few minutes to complete. The Census postcard you received in the mail provides instructions for completing the questionnaire on-line or by phone (844-330-2020). If you are unable to complete it on-line or by phone, the Census Bureau will mail you a questionnaire soon, but we urge you to find a safe way to complete it now to notify the Federal government where you were residing on April 1, 2020. Click on the link at the end of this alert for more information.
• As we start the month of April, health officials have warned us that the positive COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida and Palm Beach County are still weeks away from peaking.
• We, as a community, cannot control what happens statewide or countywide but we are urging bolder actions. We can, however, play our part in minimizing the infection spread within the Town of Palm Beach by Staying Home – Staying Safe. Please urge your friends, family, and neighbors to join you in helping us to slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve.
• One of many businesses/services listed as critical include construction. The Town does not have the legal authority to override the Governor’s State Executive Order 20-89 or Palm Beach County Emergency Order 2020-002a and deem construction as a non-essential activity. We understand that there are concerns about the lack of proper social distancing and hygiene precautions at certain construction sites. The Town is actively working with contractors to ensure their workers are abiding by the CDC 6-foot social distancing and hygiene guidelines.
• Please note there is a lag in reporting, but the following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 1:00 PM today. Also, note the numbers for the Town may not include all positive cases due to self-transports to hospitals or private providers.
13 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
567 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 16 deaths.
6,955 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 87 deaths.
190,740 confirmed cases in the US, with 4,127 deaths.
887,067 confirmed cases worldwide, with 44,264 deaths.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following continue to be in effect. All orders can be found on the Town’s COVID-19 website.
The Town’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order urges to stay home. Residents and visitors may continue to engage in travel to and from critical retail and commercial business locations, to obtain emergency services, work in support of essential businesses, engage in outdoor recreational activities not closed to the public, and visit religious institutions, subject to CDC requirements. A daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place.
As mandated by State Executive Orders, all persons whose point of departure originated from an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), and Louisiana MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida. The 14 quarantine requirement is extremely important and applies regardless of if you arrived by plane, car or other means. Failure to comply with this order may lead to arrest and incarceration.
It is also extremely important for spouses or partners of those who have tested positive for COVID-19, to self-quarantine for 14 days.
All non-essential retail and commercial businesses should be closed, including those listed in the State executive order as well as the Palm Beach County order.
No new short-term vacation rentals of less than 30 days or one calendar month is permitted. Realtors are urged to advise clients from regions of high community spread that they are required to self-quarantine for 14 days.
Click here for full Town update
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/31/20 1:17 PM
• The Town would like to begin today’s update with a thank you to those who are abiding by the Stay Home – Stay Safe Order. Please encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to join you in helping us to slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve. Your actions will minimize infection and reduce what is expected to be a significant impact on our local hospitals.
• The curve has yet to begin flattening so your prolonged adherence to all of the Federal, State, County, and Town orders and recommendations is critical.
• There have been a lot of questions regarding Palm Beach County’s order which requires the closing of all community pools, including those located in condominium complexes. The reason pools were closed is because furniture, gates, handles, keys, can retain the virus for several hours. Also, the stay home stay safe policy is intended to prevent gatherings of people to slow the spread. Therefore, considering the importance of slowing the spread of COVID-19, to protect fire, police, health care workers, and those most at risk (60 and older) community pools must be closed.
• All Town public buildings and government offices remain closed. However, all departments continue to provide services remotely and with minimal on-site staff. Police, Fire-Rescue, and sanitation services are fully operational, as is the maintenance of critical infrastructure and utilities.
• Whether you are sick, caring for a sick family member or healthy, please securely tie all of your garbage in plastic garbage bags. This additional precautionary measure includes securing all personal hygiene products, used tissues, paper towels, sanitary wipes, facemasks, gloves, and similar items in plastic garbage bags. Garbage bags should be tied securely for disposal to protect our sanitation employees.
• In response to the numerous complaints of alleged unsafe social distance practices at many of the Island’s construction sites, the Town communicated with all contractors yesterday reminding them that CDC 6-foot social distancing requirements must be followed at all construction sites. They were also advised that failure to abide might result in an order to cease construction activities until further notice.
• Please note there is a lag in reporting, but the following numbers have been provided by the Florida Department of Health as of 1:00PM today:
11 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 2 deaths.
514 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 11 deaths.
6,338 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 77 deaths.
175,067 confirmed cases in the US, with 3,415 deaths.
823,479 confirmed cases worldwide, with 40,636 deaths.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/30/20 1:03 PM
Rec Connect – Boredom Busters
• The Town issued an Emergency Order on March 28, titled “Shelter in Place – Safer at Home”, urging residents to stay home to help flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19.
• On March 29, Palm Beach County amended its Emergency Order No. 3, now titled “Stay Home – Stay Safe: Safer at Home Policy”. This amended order strongly urges all individuals to stay home, similar to the Town’s order. Download a copy by clicking the link below. The amendment also added the following:
All community pools must be closed, including those located in condominium complexes.
All private parks and golf courses must also be closed, including those in condominium complexes.
• The Town has adopted the “Stay Home – Stay Safe” message to ensure consistency with the communications from the County and neighboring municipalities, but the substance of our order remains the same. Residents and visitors may continue to engage in travel to and from critical retail and commercial business locations, to obtain emergency services, work in support of essential businesses, engage in outdoor recreational activities not closed to the public, and visit religious institutions, subject to CDC requirements. A daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place.
• The Town has received numerous complaints of alleged unsafe work practices at many of the Island construction sites involving workers not following the social distancing practices. It is imperative that CDC 6-foot social distancing requirements are followed at all construction sites. The Town is seeking assistance from property owners and construction companies to help us enforce these requirements. Failure to abide may result in an order to cease construction activities until further notice.
• The Town reminds everyone that all public beaches are closed, including the areas east of the mean high tide line adjacent to private property. Notices to appear in court will be issued to violators.
• As of 1:00 PM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
10 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach, with 1 death.
423 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 8 deaths.
5,473 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 63 deaths.
144,672 confirmed cases in the US, with 2,575 deaths.
745,308 confirmed cases worldwide, with 35,307 deaths.
• The confirmed cases numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic, and the limited testing that has been completed.
• The following rules remain in effect for usage of the Lake Trail, until further notice. We know that these rules will not make everyone happy but believe them to be a fair compromise to improve the safety for everyone. If trail users fail to abide by these regulations and Town officials deem the trail to be unsafe, it will be closed through the duration of this COVID-19 pandemic.
From 9:00AM – 4:00PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Lake Trail.
Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
Please be reminded that motorized equipment, including motorized skateboards are not permitted on the trail at any time.
It is imperative everyone continues to stay in excess of 6 feet from one another at all times.
Please also remember that dogs must be leashed at all times and don’t forget to clean-up after your pet.
Download Amended PBC Emergency Orders
Audio of the Town Managers Daily Briefing
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/29/20 12:00 PM
No Video Update Today
• The Town is receiving numerous complaints about illegal use of public beach areas and the lack of social distancing, especially on the north end beaches. The Town is reminding everyone that all public beaches are closed, including the areas east of the mean high tide line adjacent to private property. Numerous warnings were issued to violators by the Police Department yesterday. Notices to appear in court will be issued to violators beginning today.
• As of 11:30 AM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 333 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 6 deaths.
o 4,246 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 56 deaths.
o 125,313 confirmed cases in the US, with 2,197 deaths.
o 685,623 confirmed cases worldwide, with 32,137 deaths.
• The confirmed cases numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic, the limited testing that has been done, and the delayed reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
• The Town issued a “Shelter in Place – Safer at Home” order yesterday, urging residents to stay home to help flatten the curve and slow the spread of COVID-19. Residents and visitors may continue to engage in travel to and from critical retail and commercial business locations, to obtain emergency services, work in support of essential businesses, engage in outdoor recreational activities not closed to the public, and visit religious institutions, subject to CDC requirements. The order includes guidelines for the public as well as essential businesses. A daily curfew from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM remains in place.
• The following rules are in effect for usage of the Lake Trail, until further notice. We know that these rules will not make everyone happy but believe them to be a fair compromise to improve the safety for everyone. If trail users fail to abide by these regulations and Town officials deem the trail to be unsafe, it will be closed through the duration of this COVID-19 pandemic. Signs are in production and will be posted soon.
o From 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Lake Trail.
o Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o Please be reminded that motorized equipment, including motorized skateboards are not permitted on the trail at any time.
o It is imperative everyone continues to stay in excess of 6 feet from one another at all times.
o Please also remember that dogs must be leashed at all times and don’t forget to clean-up after your pet.
• Town Manager, Kirk Blouin, and members of his team will provide an update on the COVID-19 outbreak at 3:00 PM tomorrow, via live audio stream from the Town’s website. Questions can be sent to Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic video mentioned by Maggie Zeidman in update video
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/28/20 11:40 AM
No Video Update Today
• The Town of Palm Beach Chief of Police has issued Emergency Order No. 2020-01, urging residents of the Town to “Shelter in Place”. Residents and visitors may continue to engage in travel to and from critical retail and commercial business locations, to obtain emergency services, work in support of essential businesses, engage in outdoor recreational activities not closed to the public, and visit religious institutions, subject to CDC requirements. The order includes guidelines for the public as well as essential businesses. This is effective immediately, until terminated by the Chief of Police. The Emergency Order can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.
• The following rules are now in effect for usage of the Lake Trail, until further notice. We know that these rules will not make everyone happy but believe them to be a fair compromise to improve the safety for all trail users. Signs are in production and will be posted soon.
o From 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Lake Trail.
o Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o Please be reminded that motorized equipment, including motorized skateboards are not permitted on the trail at any time.
o It is imperative everyone continues to stay in excess of 6 feet from one another at all times.
o Please also remember that dogs must be leashed at all times and don’t forget to clean-up after your pet.
• If trail users fail to abide by these regulations and Town officials deem the trail to be unsafe, it will be closed through the duration of this COVID-19 pandemic.
• As clarified by State Executive Order No. 20-87 issued late yesterday, vacation rentals is defined as any short-term rentals of less than 30 days or one calendar month. Therefore, no new short-term rentals are permitted. Realtors are urged to advise clients from regions of high community spread that they are required to self-quarantine for 14 days, as required by State Executive Order No. 20-82. All State orders can be found on the Town website.
• As of 11:30 AM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 292 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 5 deaths.
o 3,763 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 54 deaths.
o 104,865 confirmed cases in the US, with 1,709 deaths.
o 618,043 confirmed cases worldwide, with 28,823 deaths.
• The confirmed cases numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested or are asymptomatic, the limited testing that has been done, and the delayed reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
• Hours of operation for PUBLIX are 8:00 AM to 8:00 M, 7 days/week (age 65 and over only from 7:00 AM-8:00 AM on Tuesday and Wednesday) and AMICI MARKET will be open from 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Monday – Saturday.
• Greens Pharmacy is open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, offering free delivery. Lewis Pharmacy and Fedco Drugs are open from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday-Friday and 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday.
• The Florida Department of Health COVID-19 Hotline and email is up and running 24/7. Call 866-779-6121 or email with questions.
Download Town Emergency Order No. 2020-01
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/26/20 3:40 PM
• A Special Town Council Meeting was held at 11:00 AM today. During this meeting, Town Manager Blouin provided his daily community update. Daily updates will resume on Monday, March 30 at 3:00 PM. The audio from this morning’s meeting is available from the Town’s website for those who were unable to tune in and would like to listen to the update or the entire meeting.
• After considering all of the input received from the public and our Mayor and Town Council members at this morning’s Special Town Council meeting, the following rules are now in effect for usage of the Lake Trail, until further notice. We know that these rules will not make everyone happy but believe them to be a fair compromise.
o From 9:00AM – 4:00PM daily, only walkers and runners are permitted on the Lake Trail.
o Cyclists and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o Please be reminded that motorized equipment, including motorized skateboards are not permitted on the trail at anytime.
o It is imperative everyone continues to stay in excess of 6 feet from one another at all times.
o Please also remember that dogs must be leashed at all times and don’t forget to clean-up after your pet.
• If trail users fail to abide by these regulations and Town officials deem the trail to be unsafe, it will be closed through the duration of this COVID-19 pandemic.
• Per previous State, County and Town orders, the following are still in effect:
o Per Palm Beach County Emergency Order #2 all non-critical retail and commercial businesses should be closed. Order #2 prohibits all hotels and other commercial lodging establishments (which includes short-term vacation rentals) from accepting any new reservations, unless they are for “critical lodgers”, as defined in the order.
o Per Palm Beach County Emergency Order #3 all public parks are closed, including all parks within the Town. This includes, but is not limited to, Seaview, Lake Drive (adjacent to Marina), Bradley, Phipps Ocean, and the grassy areas adjacent to the Mid-Town public beach. Both orders can be found on the Town website.
o As mandated by State Executive Order 20-82, all persons whose point of departure originated from outside the State of Florida in an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida. This is extremely important and applies regardless of if you arrived by plane, car or other means. Failure to comply with this order may lead to arrest and incarceration.
o A Statewide Public Health Advisory remains in effect for all persons over 65 years of age, urging them to stay at home. The Town continues to strongly recommend this for all ages.
o All non-essential businesses should be closed, including those included in the State executive order as well as the Palm Beach County order. Restaurants are permitted to convert to take-out or delivery only.
o All boat docks, ramps, marinas, and any other venues utilized for launching any vessels are closed until further notice. All islands, sandbars, and intracoastal lands are also prohibited for use by the public.
o All Town public buildings and governmental offices are closed for non-essential services. However, all departments will continue to provide essential services remotely and with minimal on-site staff. Police, Fire-Rescue, and sanitation are still fully operational, as is the maintenance of critical infrastructure and utilities.
• As of 3:00PM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 194 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 3 deaths.
o 2,900 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 34 deaths.
o 94,238 confirmed cases in the US, with 1,438 deaths.
o 576,859 confirmed cases worldwide, with 26,819 deaths.
Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic video mentioned by Maggie Zeidman in update video
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/26/20 1:49 PM
• Palm Beach County issued Emergency Orders #2 and #3 late yesterday. Order #2 mandates all non-critical retail and commercial businesses to close immediately and provides a list of businesses and services that are deemed critical and essential.
• Order #2 prohibits all hotels and other commercial lodging establishments (which includes short-term vacation rentals) from accepting any new reservations, unless they are for “critical lodgers”, as defined in the order.
• Order #3 immediately closed all public parks including all parks within the Town. This includes, but is not limited to, Seaview, Lake Drive (adjacent to Marina), Bradley, Phipps Ocean, and the grassy areas adjacent to the Mid-Town public beach.
• Both orders can be downloaded here.
• The Town is reminding all persons whose point of departure originated from outside the State of Florida in an area of substantial community spread of COVID-19, including the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York), MUST isolate or quarantine themselves for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into the State of Florida, as mandated by Executive Order 20-.82. This is extremely important and applies regardless of if you arrived by plane, car or other means. Failure to comply is a misdemeanor and anyone found guilty of this charge could face prison time and/or pay a fine.
• The Town has observed a reduction in groups gathering in public places and on private properties to congregate. Thank you. To stop the spread of COVID-19 and not put each other at an increased risk of infection, it is imperative everyone continues stay in excess of 6 feet from one another at all times. The current regulations are as follows:
• Town Council will consider changes during their 11:00 AM special meeting tomorrow. Any changes approved will be communicated to the community.
• As of 1:00PM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 169 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 3 deaths.
o 2,355 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 28 deaths.
o 69,684 confirmed cases in the US, with 1,049 deaths.
o 495,086 confirmed cases worldwide, with 22,295 deaths.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/25/20 1:27 PM
• The Town has observed and is aware of groups gathering in public places and on private properties to congregate. This is incredibly troubling and irresponsible, and is not in accordance with social (physical) distancing guidelines of the CDC. To stop the spread of COVID-19 and not put each other at an increased risk of infection, it is imperative everyone stay in excess of 6 feet from one another at all times.
• The Town has received multiple communications about yesterday’s Lake Trail usage order, limiting cyclists during certain periods of time. Many were in support and many objected. Please be reminded that we are in a State of Emergency but understand this is not ideal and will require some personal sacrifice to assist the Town in our response efforts to slow the spread. We are doing the best we can and are in fact taking many more measures to protect our community that some of our neighboring cities.
• The Town cannot limit usage of the Lake Trail to residents only so we urge you to modify your personal trail usage schedules and abide by these regulations:
o From 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM daily, only walkers, runners and children age 12 and under on bicycles are permitted on the Lake Trail.
o Cyclists age 13 and older and all other permitted uses can take place outside of these times.
o Please also be remember that dogs must be leashed at all times and don’t forget to clean-up after your pet.
• Because usage of the Lake Trail is an important quality of life issue for our residents, we believe the community and the elected officials should have input. Therefore, a Special Town Council meeting has been set for 11:00 AM on Friday March 27. Instructions are forthcoming on how to participate, as this meeting will be help telephonically.
• As of 12:30 PM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 118 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 3 deaths. WE CAUTION YOU NOT TO MAKE FAMILY DECISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED TEST RESULTS in the county, as testing has been very limited and COMMUNITY SPREAD is occurring. These numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested, are asymptomatic and the lack of reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
o 1,682 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 22 deaths.
o 55,568 confirmed cases in the US, with 809 deaths.
o 441,187 confirmed cases worldwide, with 19,784 deaths.
• The Town cannot stress enough the importance of self-isolation and social distancing, especially for the elderly. Residents should continue preparing for a potential “shelter in place” order that may come from the State of Florida or Federal Government.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/24/20 12:11 PM
With increased traffic and density on the Lake Trail causing people to come in unsafe, close contact, the Chief of Police has taken new measures to impose ‘social distancing’
- From 8 am to 5 pm daily, only walkers, runners and cyclists 12 and younger will be allowed on the Lake Trail.
- Cyclists 13 and older can ride the Trail before 8 am and after 5 pm
- Police will restrict parking at the main entrances to the Lake Trail
- These measures are being taken to ease the over-crowding, and help those using the trail maintain recommended social distancing of 6 feet.
- For any of you who may have family or friends flying in from Connecticut, New Jersey or New York you should be aware of a quarantine order issued yesterday by Governor Ron DeSantis. Any person flying into a Florida airport from those three states, where COVID-19 has reached a high level of community spread, MUST self-isolate for 14 day on entry to Florida, or you will be fined.
- While most hotels either have closed or plan to soon, the Town of Palm Beach is asking ALL hotels and vacation rental properties to close, to limit the unintended spread of COVID-19.
• As of NOON today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 101 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 3 deaths. WE CAUTION YOU NOT TO MAKE FAMILY DECISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED TEST RESULTS in the county, as testing has been very limited and COMMUNITY SPREAD is occurring. These numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested, are asymptomatic and the lack of reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
o 1,412 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 18 deaths.
o 46,548 confirmed cases in the US, with 592 deaths.
o 396,249 confirmed cases worldwide, with 17,252 deaths.
Listen to the March 24, 2020 Town Managers COVID-19 Briefing Here
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/23/20 1:35 PM
• As anticipated, the COVID-19 outbreak may be causing a lot of stress and anxiety due to the uncertainty of this evolving situation. This is understandable but the Town urges calm, kindness and respect for one another. We are all in this together and we will get through it as a community, but we need public cooperation and individual responsibility to make it happen.
• Effective immediately per Public Safety Order #1, within Palm Beach County, including all municipalities therein, all boat docks, ramps, marinas, and any other venues utilized for launching any vessels are hereby closed until further notice. All islands, sandbars, and intracoastal lands are also prohibited for use by the public. Commercial fishing, commercial marine operations, and support services related thereto are permitted to continue operating.
• Town Manager, Kirk Blouin, and members of his team will provide an update on the COVID-19 outbreak at 3:00PM, via live audio stream from the Town’s website today. Questions can be sent to Archived audio from previous updates can be found on the Town website.
• The Lake Trail is experiencing increasing levels of activity. The Town is requesting that cyclists avoid using the Lake Trail to assist with relieving some of the congestion and use public streets instead. The Town would also like to remind trail users to practice social distancing when walking/running and use extra caution. Use of public sidewalks is a good alternative for walkers.
• As of NOON today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 89 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 2 deaths. WE CAUTION YOU NOT TO MAKE FAMILY DECISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED TEST RESULTS in the county, as testing has been very limited and COMMUNITY SPREAD is occurring. These numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested, are asymptomatic and the lack of reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
o 1,171 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 14 deaths.
o 35,345 confirmed cases in the US, with 473 deaths.
o 353,692 confirmed cases worldwide, with 15,436 deaths.
• The Town cannot stress enough the importance of self-isolation and social distancing, especially for the elderly. Residents should continue preparing for a potential “shelter in place” order that may come from the State of Florida or Federal Government.
Click here for full Town update
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/22/20 12:25 PM
• As of 11:30 AM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 59 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 1 death. WE CAUTION YOU NOT TO MAKE FAMILY DECISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED TEST RESULTS in the county, as testing has been very limited and COMMUNITY SPREAD is occurring. These numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested, are asymptomatic and the lack of reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
o 830 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 13 deaths.
o 26,997 confirmed cases in the US, with 346 deaths.
o 316,652 confirmed cases worldwide, with 13,598 deaths.
• Beginning on Tuesday, March 24, PUBLIX is designating Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, 7 – 8 a.m., as senior shopping hours for customers age 65 and over.
• The Town cannot stress enough the importance of self-isolation and social distancing, especially for the elderly. Residents should continue preparing for a potential “shelter in place” order that may come from the State of Florida or Federal Government.
• Public beaches, Inlet Park (Annie’s Dock) and the Seaview Park playground remain closed.
• The County will be closing public boat ramps today, as recreational boaters are mooring densely near Peanut Island and other locations, and not following social distancing guidelines.
• The Lake Trail is experiencing in increased level of activity. The Town would like to remind trail users to practice social distancing when walking/running and use extra caution, especially bikers. Use of public sidewalks is a good alternative.
• The Town of Palm Beach remains in a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and a TOWNWIDE CURFEW is in effect from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM until further notice.
Click here for full Town update
Download Town Frequently Asked Questions
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/21/20 12:08 PM Notice #1
Town Recommendations for Residents of Multi-Family Dwellings
• Common gathering areas such as, fitness areas, activity rooms, and etc. should be closed for public use until further notice to prevent person to person spread of Covid-19.
• If Swimming pools remain open, all persons should remain 6 ft. apart in the water and on the pool deck. Building staff and residents should disinfect any “touch points” such as pool ladders, pool railings, etc… Chairs on pool decks such be positioned in a manner to maintain the appropriate social distance.
• All preventative maintenance that has been scheduled should postponed, or cancelled, restricting contractor access to emergency repairs only.
• Residents should take turn using elevators to ensure that social distancing is maintained at all times.
• Post signs urging residents to watch for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, cough, malaise, diarrhea, and shortness of breath.
• Post signs in the common areas with reminders to owners of the steps which owners can take to assist in mitigating the spread of infection (i.e. the reminders set out above) including social distancing, frequent handwashing, and covering any coughs.
• Urge residents who have frequent visitors to limit or reduce guest visitation.
• Curb any potential AirBnB or frequent rental activities.
• Encourage residents to stay in their home when sick.
• Encourage staff to staff home when sick. Send home employees who becomes sick.
• Make sure you have updated emergency contact information for all owners including any residents who may be particularly vulnerable.
• Let your residents know that if they are feeling ill or have any questions or concerns that they can contact the Florida Department of Health’s 24-hour hotline that can be reached at 1-866-779-6121.
• Place hand sanitizer in high traffic areas.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/21/20 1:43 PM Notice #2
• All non-essential business should be closed as ordered by Governor DeSantis via Executive Order 20-70. Non-essential businesses include restaurants, bars, taverns, pubs, nightclubs, banquet halls, cocktail lounges, cabarets, breweries, cafeterias, movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums, fitness studios and beaches. Restaurants are permitted to convert to take-out or delivery only.
• Among businesses considered ESSENTIAL are grocery stores, gas stations, day care facilities and pet supply stores.
• The Town of Palm Beach does not have the statutory authority to close any business. The Governor’s executive order lists business that would be considered non-essential. We strongly recommend business owners who are not listed on the essential list to seriously evaluate the necessity of remaining open and serving patrons. The only way to stop the spread is to limit person-to-person contact and any business that remains open unnecessarily contributes to the spread.
• As of 1:30PM today the Florida Dept. of Health has reported:
o 45 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 0 deaths. WE CAUTION YOU NOT TO MAKE FAMILY DECISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED TEST RESULTS in the county, as testing has been very limited. These numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested, are asymptomatic and the lack of reporting from private providers to the Dept of Health.
o 658 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 12 deaths.
o 22,043 confirmed cases in the US, with 275 deaths.
o 289,948 confirmed cases worldwide, with 11,921 deaths.
• The Town cannot stress enough the importance of self-isolation and social distancing, especially for the elderly. Residents should continue preparing for a potential “shelter in place” order that may come from the State of Florida or Federal Government.
Click here for full Town update
The Palm Beach Police Department has received information that individuals are posing as COVID-19 testers and going door to door.
Please be advised that NO public health officials are offering testing of COVID-19 or selling any testing kits door to door. This could be a distraction attempt to burglarize your home.
COVID-19 UPDATE for 3/20/20 3:00 PM
Listen to the 3-20-20 3 PM Town Update
• Governor DeSantis has issued Executive Order 20-70, requiring the closure of all non-essential businesses, effective immediately. Among businesses considered ESSENTIAL are grocery stores, gas stations, day care facilities and pet supply stores.
• Non-essential businesses including restaurants, bars, taverns, pubs, nightclubs, banquet halls, cocktail lounges, cabarets, breweries, cafeterias, movie theaters, concert houses, auditoriums, playhouses, bowling alleys, arcades, gymnasiums, fitness studios and beaches are potential gathering places for the spread of COVID-19. Restaurants are permitted to convert to take-out or delivery only.
• The full executive order, listing all essential and non-essential businesses, can be viewed by clicking the link below.
• The Town is closing all public building and governmental offices at 5:00pm today to cease non-essential operations. However, all departments will continue to provide essential services remotely and with minimal on-site staff. Police, Fire-Rescue, sanitation are still fully operational, as is the maintenance of critical infrastructure and utilities. Public beaches remain closed.
• The Palm Beach Police Department has received information that individuals are posing as COVID-19 testers and going door to door. Please be advised that NO public health officials are offering testing of COVID-19 or selling any testing kits door to door. This could be a distraction attempt to burglarize your home.
• The Town of Palm Beach remains in a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and a TOWNWIDE CURFEW is in effect from 9:00 PM to 6:00 AM until further notice.
• As of 11:00 AM today the Florida Dept. of Health has REPORTED 520 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 10 deaths. There are confirmed cases in 34 in Palm Beach County. HOWEVER, ONLY 79 people have been tested according to FL Dept. of Health. WE CAUTION YOU NOT TO MAKE FAMILY DECISIONS BASED ON THE NUMBER OF CONFIRMED TEST RESULTS in the county, as it is the Town’s understanding that no test kits are available in the County at this time.
• There are 14,322 confirmed cases in the US and 254,996 worldwide. These numbers DO NOT reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested and/or are asymptomatic.
• Self-isolation is strongly recommended for everyone, especially for the elderly. Residents should prepare for a potential “shelter in place” order that may come from the State of Federal Government. Shelter in place means stay in your home and not leave unless necessary for a designated exception. If a shelter in place order is issued, a list of exceptions will be provided at that time, but will include necessary home-based medical staff and other essential services.
Click here for full Town update
UPDATE 3-19-2020 2:28 PM
• Beginning today, Town Manager, Kirk Blouin, will provide a daily update on the COVID-19 outbreak from 3:00 – 4:00PM, via live audio stream from the Town’s website. After his update, questions will be answered. Questions can be sent to Daily updates will take place Monday-Friday and archived audio for all updates can be found on the website. An FAQ section on the Town’s COVID-19 webpage can be accessed to answer frequently asked questions. Listen to it here.
• The Town of Palm Beach remains in a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and a TOWNWIDE CURFEW is in effect from 9:00PM to 6:00AM until further notice.
• As of 11:00AM today the Florida Dept. of Health has REPORTED 390 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida and 29 in Palm Beach County. There are 10,755 confirmed cases in the US and 229,390 worldwide. Reported numbers do not reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested and/or are asymptomatic. ONLY 74 people in Palm Beach County have been tested according to FL Dept. of Health.
• Self-isolation is strongly recommended for everyone, especially for the elderly.
• Please consider limiting the number of domestic staff and visitors to your homes and provide specific hygiene instructions, including hand washing, wearing gloves and removing shoes.
• All nightclubs and bars are closed, as ordered by the State of Florida. Operations of private clubs, restaurants and all other business (including gyms) are strongly recommended to close, with the exception of delivery or curbside pick-up. Most restaurants that remain open are offering delivery and pick-up.
• Hours of operation for PUBLIX are now 8:00AM to 8:00PM, 7 days/week, beginning on Tuesday, March 24, PUBLIX is designating Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, 7 – 8 a.m., as senior shopping hours for customers age 65 and over. This change in hours will continue until further notice. AMICI MARKET will be open from 9:00AM – 7:00PM, Monday – Saturday.
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UPDATE 3-18-2020 5:02 PM
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UPDATE 3-18-2020 3:37 PM
• The Town of Palm Beach remains in a State of Emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and a TOWNWIDE CURFEW is in effect from 9:00PM to 6:00AM until further notice. This applies to motorists and pedestrians.
• Self-isolation is strongly recommended for everyone, especially the elderly.
• Please consider limiting the number of domestic staff and visitors to your homes and provide specific hygiene instructions, including hand washing, wearing gloves and removing shoes.
• Hours of operation for PUBLIX are now 8:00AM to 8:00PM, 7 days/week and AMICI MARKET will be open from 9:00AM – 7:00PM, Monday – Saturday.
• All public beaches and recreation facilities are closed.
• As of 11:25AM today the Florida Dept. of Health has REPORTED 314 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida and 19 in Palm Beach County. 7 people have died in Florida. There are 7,324 confirmed cases in the US and 207,518 worldwide. Reported numbers do not reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher, due to infected individuals who have not been tested and/or are asymptomatic.
Click here for full Town update
UPDATE 3-17-2020 4:06 PM
MARCH 17: A TOWNWIDE CURFEW will begin at 9:00PM tonight and end at 6:00AM each day.
MARCH 17: Per CDC recommendations, private clubs and restaurants (including hotel based eating establishments) and all other business should greatly scale back their operations. Social gathering of more than 10 people should cease. Restaurants are strongly encouraged to close for dine-in seating but provide delivery and/or curbside pick-up.
MARCH 17: As ordered by Governor DeSantis, all bars and nightclubs must close effective at 5:00PM for 30 days, starting today.
MARCH 17: All public beaches are closed.
MARCH 18: All public recreation facilities will be closed, with the exception of the Town Docks office. All private recreation facilities are encouraged to closed as well.
MARCH 18: Hours of operation for PUBLIX will switch to 8:00AM to 8:00PM, 7 days/week and AMICI MARKET will be open from 9:00AM – 7:00PM, Monday – Saturday.
Click here for full Town update
UPDATE 3-16-2020 5:26 PM
The Recreation Department is working closely with the Town Manager’s office in response to COVID-19. The Town staff continues to stay in contact with the State Department of Health, State Fire Marshal, and State Department of Emergency Management to ensure they have the latest information and guidance.
The Mandel Recreation Center and the Seaview Park Tennis Center, located at 340 Seaview Avenue, Palm Beach, is suspending all operations until further notice starting at 8 pm on Tuesday, March 17. The Phipps Ocean Park Tennis Center, located at 2201 S Ocean Blvd, is suspending all operations until further notice starting at 5 pm Monday, March 16. The Palm Beach Par 3, located at 2345 S Ocean Blvd, is suspending all operations until further notice starting at 7 pm on Tuesday, March 17. The Town Docks, located at 500 Australian Ave, is continuing operations with social distancing in place.
Town of Palm Beach Recreation – Status of Operations as of March 16, 2020
Facility / Activity / Dept Status
Palm Beach Par 3 Closed until further notice starting at 7 pm, 3/17
Town Docks Continuing operations, social distancing
Seaview Park Tennis Center Closed until further notice starting at 8 pm, 3/17
Phipps Ocean Park Tennis Closed until further notice starting at 5 pm, 3/16
Mandel Recreation Center Closed until further notice starting at 8 pm, 3/17
Camps and Special Events Cancelled or postponed until further notice
UPDATE 3-16-2020 1:49 PM
- As of 12:38 pm today the Florida Dept. of Health has REPORTED 137 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida and 8 in Palm Beach County. Reported numbers do not reflect actual infection rates, which are assumed to be much higher.
- The Town of Palm Beach has issued a State of Emergency Declaration. This declaration clears the way for decisive actions the Town will need to make in the coming days in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
- To protect our residents from the COVID-19 outbreak and help “flatten the curve” the following decisions have been made by the Town, effective on the dates indicated until further notice:MARCH 17: A TOWNWIDE CURFEW will begin at 9:00 PM and end at 6:00 AM each day.MARCH 17: Per the CDC recommendations, private clubs and restaurants (including hotel based eating establishments) and all other business should greatly scale back their operations and limit their capacity to 50 patrons.
Restaurants are strongly encouraged by the Town to close for seating but provide delivery and/or curbside pick-up.
Houses of worship are encouraged to cancel all services and programs and provide live streaming services.
MARCH 17: All public beaches and Phipps Ocean Tennis Center will be closed.
MARCH 17: Public access to all Town buildings will be limited. Town staff can still be reached by phone or email during regular business hours.
Click here for full Town update
Palm Beach County COVID -19 Drive Through Testing Site
The service will be offered on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and hours may be adjusted based on needs and supplies. Testing will be conducted by trained FoundCare staff members.
Prior to being tested, patients need to call 561-967-0365.
For more information about the drive-through testing,
UPDATE 3-15-2020 1:47 PM
- As of this morning, Florida has 106 confirmed persons with COVID-19 and 4 deaths; Palm Beach County has 5 confirmed, no deaths. Remember there has not been across the board testing and many people may be asymptomatic while carrying the virus.
- If you have traveled to countries listed on the CDC website, a 14-day isolation is the recommendation for all ages.
- Social Distancing is in effect: maintain 6 feet distance, no hugging, elbow bumping, no personal contact!
- BE PREPARED: have enough medications, food, supplies to last for a few weeks.
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UPDATE 3-14-2020 12:39 PM
- As of this morning, there are 5 confirmed COVID-19 cases in Palm Beach County and 70 in the State of Florida.
- The Town’s Fire-Rescue teams are trained and ready to respond to health emergencies in our Town. Call 911 for emergencies or 561-838-5454 for non-emergency questions.
- If you have traveled to countries listed on the CDC website, a 14-day isolation is the recommendation for all ages.
- The CDC recommends maintaining 6 feet distance, so do not shake hands and avoid fist and elbow bumping. Continue personal preventive practices: social distancing, hand hygiene, and if sick stay home and self-isolate. If you are healthy, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Take a walk but maintain social distancing.
Click here for full Town update
UPDATE 3-13-2020 6:04 PM
We know the COVID-19 outbreak has created great cause for concern, especially with this morning’s announcement that there are two confirmed cases in Palm Beach County. Rest assured your Elected Officials and Town Staff have been working diligently over the past couple of weeks to develop response plans for dealing with this fluid situation, while maintaining our quality standards for the delivery of public services.
In our effort to minimize person-to-person contact during public meetings, the following meetings, and all associated agenda items, have been postponed for one month:
March 18 – Landmarks Preservation Commission Meeting
March 19 – Code Enforcement Meeting
March 25 – ARCOM Meeting
April 1 – ORS Committee Meeting
Click here for full Town update
UPDATE 3-12-2020
The Town continues to monitor and respond to the changes with the COVID-19 situation.
As of this update there have been 27 confirmed cases in Florida residents with 2 deaths. There are currently no confirmed positive test cases in Palm Beach County and our Fire Rescue Department has not run on any suspected cases as of yet.
Click here for full Town update
UPDATE 3-11-2020
The Town of Palm Beach continues to actively monitor and adjust our practices in light of the novel (new) coronavirus disease called “coronavirus disease 2019” (abbreviated “COVID-19”). This coronavirus has now been detected in more than 100 locations internationally, including in the United States and was just declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization.
In an abundance of caution, the Town is promoting social distancing efforts to include the postponing of certain upcoming public meetings. Town staff will continue to evaluate the need for additional meeting cancelations. The following meetings have been canceled and will be rescheduled at later date to be determined:
March 16 – Annual Town-wide Hurricane Seminar
March 19 – Public Workshop for Boards and Commissions
March 23 – Community Input meeting for Lake Drive Park
March 31 – Citizens’ Association Hurricane Seminar
Click here for full Town update
An information webpage for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been created as a resource to the community by the Town of Palm Beach. Town Staff will be providing updates via Town Alerts under Stay Informed on our website. Click on the link to visit the webpage.
Other COVID-19 resources
Florida Department of Health – COVID-19
Center for Disease Control and Prevention