It’s not too late to respond to Census 2020! The questionnaire only takes a few minutes to complete and you can respond online by visiting, by phone at 844-330-2020, or by mail using the form sent by US Mail. Remember, you count in the Town of Palm Beach!
Getting a complete and accurate count in 2020 requires everyone’s participation. The Town of Palm Beach continues to remain one of the most undercounted communities in Palm Beach County, and our response rate is well below the national average. If you were living in the Town of Palm Beach on April 1st, you should participate in the 2020 Census using your Palm Beach address.
Participating in the Census is important for several reasons. An accurate count will ensure the Town of Palm Beach gets its fair share of federal funding for roads and infrastructure. These federal monies are also used for environmental restoration and maintenance; keeping our beaches, waterways, and natural areas pristine and flourishing. The number of seats in the US House of Representatives for the next 10 years is determined using census data. FEMA also uses information to prepare and respond to natural disasters, something of particular importance for a coastal town such as Palm Beach.
It is estimated that Florida is in danger of losing over $30,000 per person in the coming decade for each person NOT COUNTED in the 2020 Census. Please take part today in your civic duty and complete the 2020 Census!