
vaccination Breaking News 1-17-21

Special Covid-19 Alert – Clarification – Covid-19 Vaccination Waiting List

  • On January 13th, the Town of Palm Beach launched a Covid-19 vaccination waiting list program for Town residents, age 65 and older. This effort was intended to eliminate the rush to secure limited vaccination appointments each time the Town announced new appointment availability. This list was established to put residents “in line” for future rounds of appointments.
  • There are approximately 3,000 Town residents on the list currently. About 2,000 ineligible non-residents were removed from the list, as our Closed POD vaccination sites are intended for Town residents only.
  • When the waiting list was launched, we incorrectly advised registrants that they would receive their number in the waiting list queue with their confirmation email. Instead, the registration system sent a “submission number” or a “your place in line number”, but neither reflects their actual place in line.
  • We apologize for any confusion created with the submission counter of the waiting list program. Unfortunately, the submission number SHOULD NOT be used as the “place in line number”, because the registration program assigns that number when a person logs on based upon the number of prior submissions completed. Because we had scores of people who logged on at the same time, scores of people were assigned the same “submission number.”
  • Fortunately, for each person who submitted their information to be placed on the waitlist, their submission has a date and time stamp (to the second) and that is what is being used to assign appointments.
  • Please rest assure that eligible Town residents are in the queue, based upon their date/time stamp, and we will do our best to get to everyone as fast as we can. Unfortunately, we do not know if and when we will receive more vaccines, but we will reach out to registered residents next in line once more appointments are available.
  • Because there are approximately 3,000 Town residents currently on our waiting list, so we respectfully request you refrain from calling to check your place in line so our phones are not overwhelmed.
  • We continue to encourage residents to not rely solely on the Town and call or email the Palm Beach County Health Department at 561-625-5180 or to get on their list for an appointment at a County vaccination site. You should also check with your doctor or pharmacy to see if they will be providing vaccines and veterans should check with their local VA to see if appointments are available there.
  • Visit Covid-19 Vaccination Program Webpage

