
Palm Beach TV November 5, 2020

Palm Beach TV – November 5, 2020

Get the news that is important to you from Palm Beach TV. November 5, 2020 edition.

Election day on the Island, keeping an eye on Eta,  first cold front of the season upcoming events  and more.

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PBCA 2020 Virtual Annual Award Event
For more information and tickets click here.


  • 161 confirmed cases in the Town of Palm Beach: 8 deaths.
  • 59,839 confirmed cases in Palm Beach County, with 1,628 deaths.
  • 901,583 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the State of Florida, with 17,131 deaths.
  • 9,516,790 confirmed cases in the US, with 234,011 deaths.
  • 48,344,880 confirmed cases worldwide, with 1,228,672 deaths.


  • Public health officials are strongly urging residents to contact their health care provider or pharmacy to get vaccinated against the flu as soon as possible. Once vaccinated, it takes about two weeks to offer protection.
  • Getting the flu shot each year is important but reducing illness and hospitalization from flu is even more critical this year to protect frontline health care workers and hospital systems who will continue to care for people with COVID-19 and other illnesses.
  • Both the flu and COVID-19 are respiratory illnesses, but until there is a steady vaccine supply against COVID-19, the way to prevent these two viruses from circulating at the same time is to get your flu vaccine now.


  • Masks or face coverings MUST be worn by all persons within the Town while visiting or working in any businesses, establishment, or residential buildings. This includes, but is not limited to, restaurants, retail establishments, hotels, grocery stores, gyms, pharmacies, indoor recreational facilities, houses of worship, government buildings, multifamily buildings, and vehicles for hire.
  • Face coverings MUST also be worn by all persons in outdoor public places where social distancing of 6 feet or more is not possible.
  • MASKS MUST BE WORN PROPERLY – Please ensure masks and other acceptable face coverings are worn completely over the NOSE and MOUTH when in the presence of others. When removing masks, only touch the strings or ear loops. Do not touch the actual face covering to avoid contaminating your hands. Masks should be washed or disposed after wearing them.
  • With Phase 3 re-opening now in effect, it is extremely important that residents, employees, and visitors continue to AVOID THE THREE C’s – CLOSED spaces with poor ventilation, CROWDED spaces with many people nearby, and CLOSE-CONTACT settings.


  •  Infection and testing positivity rates are once again on the rise, but unlike the early days of the Coronavirus pandemic we know what to do. The Town continues to urge residents to AVOID THE THREE C’s – CLOSED spaces with poor ventilation, CROWDED spaces with many people nearby and CLOSE-CONTACT settings such as close-range conversations. Also remember to wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands frequently.
  •  The Town encourages you to stay active and stay engaged, but do so safely. Download the RISK INDEX CHART at the end of this Alert to see which activities put you at most risk and which ones are low risk. (Individuals 65 and older, as well as individuals with significant underlying medical conditions, should take extra measures to limit the risk of exposure to COVID-19)

