

Our Town with William Kelly: Palm Beach Civic Association launches PBCIVICSPOT – an ‘essential’ one-stop guide to all services and events on the island

October 4, 2021

The Palm Beach Civic Association is excited to unveil a new web portal that compiles virtually all businesses and services in town so that “Everything Palm Beach” is just a mouse click away.

PBCIVICSPOT is a website and mobile app that provides a one-stop resource guide for Palm Beach residents and island guests.

The cleanly designed, easy-to-navigate site showcases hundreds of local businesses as well as professional services, cultural and social events, recreational activities and government resources in and around the town.

“This is a free service for businesses, organizations and residents, providing up-to-date information about everything happening on the island,” Civic Association President Mary Robosson said. “It’s a dynamic new way to plug in and get informed about all that Palm Beach has to offer.”

Robosson summarized the features of PBCIVICSPOT in a video presentation to local businesses at Monday’s Palm Beach Chamber of Commerce breakfast at The Breakers.

PBCIVICSPOT features a collective calendar of events with links to the websites of the cultural venues and other organizations so visitors can RSVP on the spot.

Visitors also have access to an interactive tool where they can make comments or ask questions about local services at any time and someone will respond.

The service comes with a mobile app that can be downloaded on iPhones or Androids. It can be accessed at

The Civic Association is grateful to the Chamber of Commerce for its support and endorsement of the site. Laurel Baker, the chamber’s chief executive, said PBCIVICSPOT will better acquaint residents with the businesses and services the island has to offer.

“The more exposure that businesses have to the residents, the more vibrant the business community can be,” Baker said.

To seek a spot on this soon-to-be essential go-to guide, businesses simply go to the site and fill out a profile form for consideration by a PBCIVICSPOT advisory committee. Civic Association members will have added benefits.

The Civic Association’s Community Engagement Committee began developing PBCIVICSPOT about three years ago. Committee Chair Alicia Cannon Mullen and member Nicki McDonald realized there was a need for an easily accessible and comprehensive resource guide geared toward residents.

Mullen, who has a background in technology investment and digital product development, donated a platform she had created to help bring the idea to life.

“We came up with a lot of ideas and decided to focus on core needs for the launch,” said Mullen, who is a member of the Civic Association Executive Committee. Other community-oriented services will be added as the site evolves.

McDonald, a Civic Association Director, said the idea was born of the need to create one spot where residents could find all they need to know about what is available to them on the island.

“If you are new in town, for instance, you may not know which doctors to go to, what are the local hospitals and schools, or places where you can volunteer,” she said. “The information was all out there but there wasn’t one place to go looking for all of that.”

Bob Wright, chairman and CEO of the Civic Association, said PBCIVICSPOT presents an opportunity for business and residents to move forward after the challenges posed by the global pandemic.

“We think this is a real benefit for the town that will hopefully engage a lot of people to support local businesses and be better informed,” Wright said.

