

Iconic Palms Taking Root Thanks to PBCA’s 75 Palms Campaign

The planting of the healthy looking palms started along Brazilian Avenue, moved to Australian, and on to Chilean… all part of the Civic Association’s ’75 Palms for Palm Beach’ campaign gift to the Town of Palm Beach.

Known as the island’s namesake, the Coconut Palms were gifted to the Town in honor of the Civic Association’s 75th anniversary. Though the gift was made last spring, details involving Town Council approval of a landscape company to plant the trees had to be addressed first.

So now, in November, we are seeing the palms make their way into the ground, creating a fresh tree lined appearance to areas where existing trees were older, or needed to be replaced.

Civic Association Beautification Committee Chairman John David Corey says the palms are magnificent! (Return to Newsletter)

