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Navegación de vistas de Evento


Welcome Back Community Forum

Palm Beach Recreation Center 340 Seaview Ave, Palm Beach, United States

Open to all residents of the Town of Palm Beach. The Civic Association launches its 2023-24 season with a Welcome Back Community Forum on Nov. 7, from 10 a.m. until noon, at the Mandel Recreation Center. The public is invited to the gathering, which will be sponsored by Northern Trust. Chairman Pucillo and Mary Robosson, […]

Where Have All the Songbirds Gone?” III

Council Chambers, Town Hall 360 S County Road, Palm Beach, FL, United States

The program is complimentary and seating is on a first come, first served basis. Reception to follow in Pan's Garden to meet the panelists Understand the linkage between human exposure to toxic chemicals in our environment and neurological diseases such as Parkinson'sIntroducing the panelists: Dr. Ray Dorsey, MD, MBA, is Professor of Neurology at the […]

PBCA Candidates’ Forum

Episcopal Church of Bethesda-by-the-Sea 141 S County Rd, Palm Beach, FL, United States

Join us for the Palm Beach Civic Association's forum for candidates seeking a seat on the Town Council. The election will be held on March 19, 2024.  Bridget Moran and John David Corey are running for the Group 3 seat, currently held by Margaret Zeidman, who is not seeking reelection. The forum is open to […]

Welcome Back Community Update

Mandel Recreation Center 340 Seaview Ave, Palm Beach, FL, United States

Open to all residents of the Town of Palm Beach.
The Civic Association launches its 2024-2025 season with a Welcome Back Community Forum on November 7, from 10:00 am until 11:30 am, at the Mandel Recreation Center. The public is invited to the gathering.
The topic for this year's forum is "Water Quality."