
Matthew K. Smith

Matthew K. Smith


Matthew K. Smith is the Chairman of Shoes for Crews, LLC., the world’s leading manufacturer and direct-marketer of slip-resistant footwear. They provide footwear to more than 140,000 workplaces worldwide in the restaurant, hotel, supermarket, industrial and health care industries. With more than 500 employees worldwide, Shoes for Crews operates in the US, Europe, Canada, and Asia-Pacific regions.

Mr. Smith is the Chairman and Co-Founder of the Friends of Recreation, which is the 501C3 organization that created the Mandel Recreation Center in the Town of Palm Beach by designing, fundraising, and gaining Town Approval for the facilities.

He is also Co-Chairman and Board Member of the Palm Beach Navy SEAL Evening of Tribute.

Mr. Smith earned his BA in political science from the University of Michigan and a graduate diploma in direct marketing from New York University. He was honored as the 2011 Ultimate CEO for Palm Beach by the South Florida Business Journal.

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