Mr. Corey founded BID Capital which is a firm that acquires properties for investment and focuses on the renovation of historic properties specializing in 19th century single-family townhouses in the Beacon Hill Historic District. While John is involved in every aspect of restoration from acquisition, financing, construction and sale, he specializes in contextual and historically compatible residential design achieving seamless, visually outstanding results. He has a bachelor’s degree in finance from Boston College and a master’s degree in real estate from MIT’s School of Architecture and Planning.
He is a former vice-chair and member of the Palm Beach Architectural Commission, a University of Florida IFAS Certified Master Gardener, and founder of Palm Beach Walks, an advocacy group for the creation and enhancement of recreational walking and bicycling facilities on the island of Palm Beach. He and his husband, Miguel Rosales, an accomplished bridge architect and designer, reside in both Palm Beach and Beacon Hill, Boston and share a passion for improving the neighborhoods in which they live. They also enjoy traveling to study urban design and historic architecture.