
Palm Beach Civic Association 81st season logo

Protecting the quality of life since 1944.

Harvey L. Poppel

Harvey L. Poppel


Mr. Poppel is a private investor. He served as managing director of Broadview Associates, an information technology (IT) mergers and acquisition firm, 1985-96. Previously, he managed the worldwide IT and information systems management consulting practices at Booz, Allen and Hamilton, Inc., and served on Booz, Allen’s board. Mr. Poppel was a four-time Ernst and Young Entrepreneur-of-the-Year judge in New Jersey and Northern California, and co-authored Information Technology: The Trillion-Dollar Opportunity.

He is a former member of the PBCA’s Executive Committee and Chaired its Strategic Planning Forum from2017-2021. He has served on the Executive Committee and is currently a Director of Israel Cancer Association and served on the Vice President’s Council of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Mr. Poppel received his BS and MS degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He and his wife, Lee, live in Palm Beach and Tiburon, CA. They have two sons and three grandsons.

Get involved today.

The Civic Association is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to protecting our remarkable community and enhancing the special quality of life found only on the island. Your support helps to ensure that Palm Beach continues to be the best place to call home.