
Palm Beach Civic Association 81st season logo

Protecting the quality of life since 1944.

Florida Legislature Building

Civic Association Opposes Anti-Home Rule Bills 

In a letter to the House Government Accountability Committee in the Florida State Legislature, the Civic Association opposes HB 773 and other anti-home rule bills being considered in this session.

The Civic Association encourages all residents to contact your state legislators and oppose HB 773.  The Civic Association letter is below:


Palm Beach Civic Association
Palm Beach, Florida
February 12, 2018

House Government Accountability Committee Members
Florida State Legislature
Tallahassee, Florida

Re: Please Oppose HB 773

Dear Committee Members:

The Palm Beach Civic Association represents more than 2,500 residents in the Town of Palm Beach. I am writing on their behalf to express our strong opposition to anti-home rule bills in the Florida Legislature. Specifically, we oppose HB 773 (La Rosa).

HB 773 (La Rosa) prohibits cities from establishing ordinances specific to short-term vacation rentals. Instead, the law would require that all residential properties be treated the same, regardless of whether the property is being used as a rental or not.

We oppose legislation that reduces a local community’s ability to respond to problems created by the over-commercialization of short-term rental properties.

At the Civic Association, we believe in home rule and the right of municipalities to exercise any power for municipal purposes except as otherwise provided by law. Our local elected officials—our mayor and town council members—should have the authority to make decisions about our unique issues and concerns. Specifically, they should be empowered to determine how our tax dollars are spent.

We urge you to protect us by voting “no” on HB 773. Please keep home rule in the State of Florida.


Ned Barnes


Contact Your State Representatives in Tallahassee

Senator Bobby Powell
(850) 487-5030
Learn More About Your Senator

Representative Bill Hagar
(850) 717-5089
Learn More About Your Representative




