
Andrew S. Frazier

Andrew S. Frazier


Mr. Frazier is the retired president and CEO of Western World Insurance Group, a New Jersey-based specialty insurer which underwrites difficult commercial risks on a nationwide basis. He represented the shareholders in the sale of the company to Validus Holdings of Bermuda (now AIG), and he continues to be an advisor in the private equity marketplace. Prior to joining Western World in 1982, Mr. Frazier was a money manager for the British merchant bank J. Henry Schroder. He has served as a director of Property Casualty Insurers Association of America and National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices. Mr. Frazier was born and raised in Winchester, MA. He received a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts/American history from Johns Hopkins University and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Chicago (Booth). Mr. Frazier and his wife, Nancy, who have two grown children, purchased a Palm Beach home in 2005 and became residents four years later. They have a summer home in Bay Head, NJ.

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